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SMHC Annual Garden tour goes live in Sanford/Springvale

Last year SMHC ran a very successful “Sowing and Growing: Virtual Lecture Series”. They raised $8000 for the Spiritual and Pastoral Care Program at the hospital. The proceeds from last year allowed SMHC to start to build 2 labyrinths, one on each campus. This program helps both patients and care team members to get through one of the most difficult times in modern history for hospitals. This year’s Garden Tour will continue the support of the Spiritual Care Program by our communities.

They are excited to be able to Host a SMHC Annual Garden Tour 2022 in the Sanford & Springvale region. At the moment they have 4 gardens, but are shooting for 5-6! The goal is to have an annual garden tour and reach the Kennebunk/Kennebunkport area in 2023 and Biddeford/Saco in 2024.

With your help they can raise funds to further the Spiritual Care Program and support those who they care for and those who care for others.

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